What The Hell Do You Have To Lose?

During the last U.S. presidential campaign, candidate Donald Trump famously cajoled African American voters to break their decades long habit of voting monolithically for Democrat politicians. “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58% of your youth is unemployed — What the hell do you have to lose? Give me …

Dem Sour Grapes: The Constitution Is Rigged!

The Democrat Party’s presidential election loss in 2016 and the failure to block two conservative judicial appointments to the Supreme Court has prompted their leadership’s call for the abolishment of two federalist articles of the U.S. Constitution — namely, the Electoral College and senate representation apportionment. Let’s review these two articles separately. The Electoral College …

The Mitchell Vindication

In a recent post on this blog, Kavanaugh’s Due Process Rights, we noted the importance in our democracy of maintaining an individual’s constitutional right to due process. We further explained that there is a universally accepted list of 10 procedures that due process requires. The sixth procedure being the right to cross-examine adverse witnesses. In last …

Google: A Real And Present Danger To Democracy

Google is a monopolistic internet search service whose partisan employees and rigged algorithms manipulate information to influence voter decisions — a real and present danger to our democracy. A 2015 research paper by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) presents evidence from five experiments in two countries …

Is National News Media Bias Polarizing America?

Here’s an interesting ‘chicken or egg’ type question: Is the national news media bias sowing division in our country or are they just responding to demand for news that coincides with our partisan beliefs? One thing everyone can agree on is that our national news media do not do a very good job keeping us …

Joe Biden Was (and still is) Right

On September 27, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hear Dr. Blasey Ford testify that Judge Kavanaugh sexually harassed her 36 years ago.  Kavanaugh will then have an opportunity to defend himself. While Senate Republicans have done their best to accommodate Dr. Ford’s testimony and withhold judgement, many Senate Democrats have already proclaimed Judge Kavanaugh guilty until …

Kavanaugh’s Due Process Rights

Let us state unequivocally right up front that sexual assault is abhorrent and we must do everything we can to stamp out such awful abuse and bring guilty perpetrators to justice. Christine Blasey Ford, a 51-year-old college professor, has made sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh in a July 30 letter to …

Are You Better Off Now Than You Were Two Years Ago?

For time immemorial, Americans have cited ‘the economy‘ as one of the most important factors on which they base their election decisions. So with possibly the most consequential mid-term elections nearly upon us, let’s examine the economic facts and figures that will help you answer that famous question — Are you better off now than …

Silicon Valley: Selling Their Souls And The Rope To Hang Us

“We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values.  For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”  ~ John F. Kennedy “As long as capitalism …

Arizona Senate Race — McSally vs. Sinema

Congresswomen Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema are battling for Jeff Flake’s senate seat in Arizona. With less than eight weeks until election day, the race is a virtual tie, as the RealClearPolitics average of polls has McSally up with only a +0.3% lead. This crucial toss-up seat could decide whether Republicans retain or Democrats gain the senate …

Who Gets the Credit for Rising Business Investment — Obama or Trump?

On September 10th, White House economic advisor Kevin Hassett presented multiple charts to highlight America’s economic turnaround that started immediately after President Trump was inaugurated and, according to Associated Press, “to rebut President Obama’s point that his policies helped end the Great Recession and put the economy on a growth path that Trump is now mostly …

The Virtue of Nationalism

Breitbart News Network has released a video of a Google employee meeting recorded shortly after the 2016 presidential election that reveals an atmosphere of panic and dismay amongst the tech giant’s leadership, coupled with a determination to thwart both the Trump agenda and the broader populist movement emerging around the globe. Google co-founder Sergey Brin and …

The Emanuel Brothers: Bad for your health.

The Emanuel Brothers’ threat to the lives of America’s sick, elderly, and minority youth is mercifully coming to an end. Older brother Ezekiel Emanuel is an oncologist, a bioethicist, vice provost of the University of Pennsylvania, Democrat and a former health policy advisor to President Obama.   Rahm Emanuel is the outgoing two-term Democrat mayor …

Why are bi-lateral trade deals best for America?

If you’re wondering why the Trump Administration is haranguing against economic globalization, trading blocs and multi-lateral agreements, look no further than this pdf chart for the obvious answer.  A picture is worth a thousand words.  One can debate the pros and cons of a persistent trade deficit, but we believe free and fair bi-lateral (nation-to-nation) trade deals are best …

Democrat Manifesto?

Pop quiz:  Which political party associates itself with the following paraphrased platform? 1.  Abolition of all private property and application of all rents to public purposes. 2.  A heavy progressive income tax. 3.  Abolition of all rights of inheritance. 4.  Confiscation of the property of anyone protesting this platform. 5.  Centralization and control of all …