This past weekend, members of the Rose City Antifa (RCA) organization in Portland, Oregon brutally beat an elderly man with baseball bats, cracked the skull of a Good Samaritan coming to his rescue, and punched, kicked and sprayed milkshakes laced with quick-drying cement and caustic chemicals on Andy Ngo, a gay conservative Asian-American journalist.

Ngo suffered serious brain injuries as a result of the attacks.

Journalist Andy Ngo

You can watch videos of RCA Antifa’s attacks from this past weekend here. (Warning: they are brutal.)

If you don’t know who Antifa is, what they believe in, and how they conduct themselves, here’s Wikipedia‘s general description:

The Antifa movement is a conglomeration of left-wing autonomous, militant, anti-fascist groups in the United States. Activists involved in the movement tend to be anti-capitalists and subscribe to a range of ideologies, typically on the left. They include anarchistssocialists and communists along with some liberals and social democrats. Their stated focus is on fighting far-right and white supremacist ideologies directly, rather than through electoral means. The principal feature of Antifa groups is their use of direct action, with conflicts occurring both online and in real life. They engage in varied protest tactics, which include digital activism, property damage, physical violence, and harassment against those whom they identify as fascist, racist, or on the far-right.

And we hope you will take a moment to also read the “Who We Are” section from the Rose City Antifa website (reprinted as a pdf below) to learn about them as well.


While we support all lawful and peaceful protests against racism and bigotry, we deplore RCA Antifa’s violence and unconstitutional, hypocritical and intolerant beliefs.


RCA (Antifa): When it is not logistically possible to prevent fascist organizing itself, we provide consequences to the organizers.

The 1st Amendment to the Constitution grants all Americans, regardless of the content of their speech, the right to peaceably assemble and freedom of speech. We don’t support racist or bigoted groups, but we do support their right to assemble. We don’t support the content of racist or bigoted speech, but we do support their right to say it.

RCA (Antifa): In these uncertain times people are vulnerable to the easy answers that fascist theory offers. No need to worry about complex systems of international Capital, blame it on a secret cabal of Jews, the Mexican living down the street, or the homosexual teaching your child immorality. We want to arm people with the analytical tools necessary to effectively unveil the underlying racist/sexist/homophobic agenda.

RCA (Antifa) accuses others with a different world view of having a racist and homophobic agenda, yet they hypocritically pummel an Asian gay journalist.

RCA (Antifa): Fascists often couch their racist agenda in the language of anti-globalism.

We always find this argument from far-left groups like Antifa to be naive and ironic, considering the world’s worst ever fascist was Adolph Hitler, a socialist maniac intent on global domination.

RCA (Antifa): We believe it is important to know what you are for, in addition to what you are against, and to model these values in principled and cooperative relationships within a community network.Simply not saying racist things does not make you anti-racist.

If you think this sounds like a good idea, then realize you’re on a slippery slope to incorporating China’s inhumane logic and authoritarian political system of “social credit scoring.”

RCA (Antifa): We are offering an attractive vision for the future to the disenfranchised youth that are actively recruited by neo-Nazis, as well as Christian right and other hate groups.

What? They’re defining the ‘Christian right’ as a “hate group?” In the first of The Six Stages That Led to the Holocaust, Jews were defined as the “other” and “different” and “inferior” through legalized discrimination. How is Antifa’s hateful religious intolerance toward Christians any different?


We call on the following people and groups to take immediate action against RCA Antifa for their above mentioned unconstitutional, hypocritical, intolerant beliefs and violent behavior, especially against journalist Andy Ngo and other innocents this past weekend:

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi: Why have you been silent about RCA Antifa? You must stand up for the rights of innocent Americans and immediately denounce RCA Antifa’s unlawful, racist, bigoted and violent actions.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler: Continue speaking out against all forms of violence, arrest the RCA Antifa assailants, allow the Portland Police Department to be more proactive in thwarting future acts of violence in your city, and reconsider your sanctuary city status that provided the cover for Antifa thugs to carry out their vengeance.

Gays, Asians and Journalists: Write ( or call (971-533-7832) RCA Antifa to passionately but civilly communicate your outrage at their abhorrently un-American beliefs and behavior.

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