Democrat Manifesto?

Pop quiz:  Which political party associates itself with the following paraphrased platform?

1.  Abolition of all private property and application of all rents to public purposes.

2.  A heavy progressive income tax.

3.  Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

4.  Confiscation of the property of anyone protesting this platform.

5.  Centralization and control of all credit by a Government run bank monopoly.

6.  Government control of all communications and free public transportation for the poor.

7.  Increased Government ownership of industrial factories.

8.  Everyone who is able to work must work, or they will starve.

9.  Government desegregation and redistribution of urban and rural populations.

10. Free education for all children in public schools.

Sorry, trick question … or is it?

These ten (author modernized) demands were published by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in their Communist Manifesto of 1888.

Do you recognize the same attacks on capitalism, individual liberty and limited government that are so prevalent in today’s political arena?  Do you think it’s over-the-top hysterics to worry about progressive / socialist ideology invading America?  Do you think any of these current progressive / socialist actions and plans are good for us?: Bernie Sanders position on free public education, congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s and Ayanna Pressley’s plan to de-fund ICE, the rising popularity of Democratic Socialism within our millennial generation, or George Soros’ multi-billion-dollar funding of organizations with anti-capitalist redistributionist political philosophies?

As Ayn Rand might counsel if she were still with us today, We The Living must vote carefully this November.

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