With many Democrats and civil rights organizations proposing trillions of dollars in reparations for the ancestors of African slaves, we wondered …

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What if Africans were never taken from their country and enslaved in America? What if the distant descendants of slaves grew up in modern day Africa instead of America? Would they be better off or worse?

Now, before the left-wingers start accusing us of being insensitive or racist, we want to be perfectly clear:

1 – The forced emigration of innocent people from Africa and their involuntary servitude in America was a heinous crime against humanity. It was a violation of every person’s inalienable right to be free. And it shall forever be reviled as America’s original sin.

2 – We mourn the lives and fortunes lost by Africans who fell victim to slavery, and we honor their tragic sacrifices and admirable perseverance which ultimately inspired their descendants’ successful pursuit of freedom and happiness.

3 – Today’s generation of Americans bear no responsibility for slavery in the 18th and 19th centuries or racism in the mid-20th century. And while we acknowledge that African-American’s progress is lagging behind other ethnicities, especially in large urban cities managed by Democratic pols, we believe the reason has more to do with ‘big government’ failures than residual racism.

Now, back to our original supposition …

According to an article on, “African slaves brought to the United States represented about 3.6 percent of the total number of Africans transported to the New World, or around 388,000 people.”

Numerous estimates today put the number of Americans who are descendants of African slaves and “eligible for reparations” at approximately 40 million people.

Again, just for the sake of argument, what if Africans were never enslaved in America? What would the quality of life be like for their 40 million descendants if they were living today in their native countries rather than in America?

Most of the original African slaves came from the following ten countries: Angola, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal.

So we put together ten metrics assessing the current quality of life in those ten African countries and the United States:

Individual Freedom: Freedom House
Economic Freedom: Fraser Institute
Human Capital Index: World Bank
Human Development Index: United Nations
Poverty Rate: World Poverty
Individual Wealth: Credit Suisse
Unemployment Rate: World Bank
Purchasing Power/Safety/Health Care: Numbeo

The country score is noted for each metric and is also color-coded for GOOD (green), OKAY (yellow) and BAD (red).

Again, we intend no disrespect of the horrific sacrifices paid by African slaves and victims of bigotry, but is there any doubt that their descendants today are astronomically better off living in America than in Africa? What’s that worth?

Here’s the point … Instead of demanding reparations from innocent people, maybe the descendants of African slaves could just be thankful for the miraculous twist of fate that afforded them the bountiful benefits of being an American.

This country isn’t perfect, but it’s certainly a lot better than the alternatives in our theoretical “what if” scenario.

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