Last night, with the 2nd overall pick in the 2019 NFL Draft, the San Francisco 49ers selected defensive end Nick Bosa, who is considered to be the best edge pass rusher coming out of college.

Nick Bosa and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell
(Source: 247sports.com)

But even before the second round of picks could be made, the left-wing intolerance police were already condemning the 49ers selection on political terms.

As reported by Fox News, former ESPN host Jemele Hill tweeted: “So my 49ers took Nick Bosa…” including a meme image of a Cleveland Cavaliers fan looking frustrated. Then she claimed (without evidence) that Bosa is drawn to “white nationalism.”

A fellow left-winger also claimed (without evidence) that Bosa has been following “white nationalists” on Twitter.

We visited Bosa’s Twitter page to see for ourselves who he follows. We found that Bosa is following the typical sort of feeds that today’s young male athletes follow — other athletes (mostly black), comedians, musicians, video games, favorite restaurants, girls, sports news stations, high school and college teams, his brother, and then, there it was, we found it, what the left-wing intolerance police had warned us was there, it really was true, there in plain sight on Bosa’s Twitter following page, irrefutable evidence that he follows … wait for it … black conservative commentator Larry Elder, Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren, Trump campaign advisory board member Madison Gesiotto, Melania Trump, and yes, the leader of white nationalism himself, President Donald J. Trump. OMG!

Why can’t far left-wingers let us have fun? Why do they have to make everything political? Why can’t we tune in to watch our favorite sports team without being shamed for who we support? Why do they make up false narratives to demonize innocent people who simply have an opposing (but morally equivalent) point of view? Why do they try to deny our First Amendment rights of free speech and association?

As the Sacramento Bee reported, the 49ers were made aware of Bosa’s social media posts. But they weren’t concerned. “They had gotten to know Bosa through a series of meetings and chatted up his teammates and coaches to gain perspective before making him one of their marquee players.” John Lynch, general manager of the 49ers, says Bosa was revered by all of his teammates at Ohio State. Bosa is happy to be going to San Francisco and the Team is happy to have maybe the best athlete in the draft … and, equally as important, a good person and teammate. Be happy, not sad.

Message To The Left-Wing Intolerance Police: Let the kids be kids … Let them develop their own beliefs and opinions even if they’re different than yours … Let them exercise their freedom of speech and association … And let us enjoy our leisure time without injecting political vitriol into one of our few remaining escapes from your tyrannical oppression.

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