In 1971, Saul Alinsky (1909 – 1972), a community organizer, wrote a book entitled: Rules For Radicals.

It describes how the “Have Nots” in society can conduct mass organization to increase their power and impose a left-wing, wealth redistribution agenda on the nation.

Alinsky’s book provides revealing insight into Democratic-Socialist and Democratic-Media actions that have polarized American politics for the past two decades.

We believe our astute readers will easily recognize the agenda and tactics still being used against conservative Republican organizations, politicians and policies in the Alinsky book excerpts below:

Lenin said that the Bolsheviks stood for getting power from the Russian Imperialist Government through the ballot but would reconsider after they got the guns. “They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet.”

Once you organize people around something as commonly agreed upon as pollution, then an organized people is on the move. From there it’s a short and natural step to political pollution, to Pentagon pollution.

When, In the throes of their revolutionary fervor, the Have-Nots hungrily turn to us in their first steps from starvation to subsistence, we respond with a bewildering, unbelievable, and meaningless conglomeration of abstractions about freedom, morality, equality, and the danger of intellectual enslavement by communistic ideology! This is accompanied by charitable handouts dressed up in ribbons of moral principle and “freedom,” with the price tag of unqualified political loyalty to us.

I will argue that the failure to use power for a more equitable distribution of the means of life for all people signals the end of the revolution and the start of the counterrevolution.

I believe that man is beginning to learn that he will either share part of his material wealth or lose all of it.

Before men can act an issue must be polarized. Men will act when they are convinced that their cause is 100 per cent on the side of the angels and that the opposition are 100 per cent on the side of the devil.

It is the schizophrenia of a free society that we outwardly espouse faith in the people but inwardly have strong doubts whether the people can be trusted.

If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Many liberals, during our attack on the then-school superintendent, were pointing out that after all he wasn’t a 100 per cent devil, he was a regular churchgoer, he was a good family man, and he was generous in his contributions to charity. Can you imagine in the arena of conflict charging that so-and-so is a racist bastard and then diluting the impact of the attack with qualifying remarks such as “He is a good churchgoing man, generous to charity, and a good husband?” This becomes political idiocy.

Thanks to Alinsky, this is the same tyrannical, power hungry, anti-gun rights, Green New Deal, wealth redistribution, race baiting, demonizing and polarizing playbook we can expect from the Democrat presidential candidates and their congressional and media shills for the next year and a half.

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